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Using Promotional Labels To Increase Sales On Existing Products

Are you looking to increase sales of your existing products? Promotional labels can be a fantastic way of interacting with your current customers and being a tool to upsell other products in your range. One of the companies who do this well are Pieminster. In their boxes of single pies there is a promotional ticket which offers customers 50p off their next purchase before a certain date. It serves as an incentive for customers to buy more of their products and also take the chance on trying something they perhaps wouldn’t if it was full price.

Give your customers a reason to interact

Promotional labels are all about interaction, either directly through a purchase or indirectly. By getting customers to communicate with your business you will begin to build better brand awareness and a better consumer relationship. Give your customers a reason to interact, you are less likely to get a good response from any promotion if your customer won’t gain anything.

Your customers are more likely to interact if your business is a product or service that interests them. Are you providing a product or service that serves as a “want” rather than a “need”? If you fall into the need category, you may want to offer money off or a chance to win your product or service.

Alternatively, if you offer a product or service that consumers want or aspire to having, you may find it a lot easier to encourage interaction and your promotions could include data collection to increase sales now and in the future.

Measure and track the data

When you run a promotion, it is essential you put in place some form of tracking so that you can accurately measure the success or failure of your campaign. A popular method of doing this with promotional labels is to use a unique code on each label, so when your target customer completes the required action, they can input the unique code and you can see it has come from your promotion.

Use your promotions to learn about your customer

You can use your in-product promotions to answer questions such as:

  • Is it is cheaper or easier to sell to new or existing customers?
  • Do my existing customers like to try new things?
  • Are they interested in what my business offers?

Promotions are a great tool to learn about your customers and inform your future marketing activity, but your data is only as good as your promotion, which means it is worth taking the time to design and consult on a promotional label which is going to have impact.

Learn more about promotional labelling by visiting our dedicated page, or get in touch with one of our expert advisers to find out more!