Abbey Labels are delighted to announce their ability to offer small quantities or multiple sorts of high quality colour labels with variable data . This can take the form of sequentially barcoding , QR codes , the addition of unique coding taken from supplied spread sheets or simply the fact that every label can be different. This is a result of further expansion & investment in their Digital Division.
Uses of Variable data
Personalised marketing material
Security numbering
Product bar codes
Smart QR codes
Unique Coding for competitions
Benefits Variable Data
Gives you the option of making every label image different
Personalise the label with an individual’s details
Better marketing response rate with a highly personalised label
Higher return on marketing investment
Make the label relevant to a businesses’ branch or local area
Increase customers response rates and grow their loyalty
Add Smart QR codes for marketing offers
Offer security options with modulus numbering or bespoke barcodes
Why Variable Data from Abbey Labels
Our ability to be able to add variable data on small or large quantities
Options of adding data to plain , single or multicolour labels
Large selection of materials and cutter sizes
High print quality of the data making Smart QR codes , numbers & barcodes easy for devices to read.
The facility to be able to write bespoke Smart QR codes or specialist modulus numbering programmes.
Being able to manage spread sheets of variable data.
Francis Milne Sales Director of Abbey Labels says “The digital side of our labels business has really taken off over the last few months. We are determined not to rest on our laurels and have a great desire to keep offering new & existing customers more services. The ability to be able to offer personalised labels was the next logical step for us to take”.